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Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
The Eucharist – Part Two
Our Daily Bread and Spiritual Food In the Old Testament, the manna that was given by God to the Sons of Israel in the desert was a...
The Eucharist – Part One
Renewal of the Covenant through Christ “God is love” (1 Jn 4:16): Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father longs to communicate this “plan...
Biblical Reflection (6): Numbers, From Serpent to Salvation
The Book of Numbers covers around 40 years between two generations of Israelites, in which two census were taken by Moses as instructed...
「一起祈禱的家庭,會是常彼此維繫的家庭。」 為響應二零一七教區牧民重點「關顧婚姻、家庭與生命,研習和活出《愛的喜樂》勸諭」,天主教香港教區教區婚姻與家庭牧民委員會「關顧生命事工」,今年特別推行了為家庭與生命祈禱的瓜達盧佩聖母「家庭之后朝聖者」祈禱座(Pilgrim...
Biblical Reflection (5): Exodus 20 – Leviticus 27, The Mosaic Covenant
These are the crucial chapters where the LORD laid down His laws — “the first covenant” with Moses on Mount Sinai, and His expectations...
Biblical Reflection (4): Exodus 1-19, The Chosen People’s Hard Path
Exodus is a continuity of God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Genesis, which through the life of Moses, God continue to fulfil...
Biblical Reflection (3): Genesis 23-50, Jacob in the Mold
Reviewing the life of Jacob, it was a life that was molded by God, to mold him from his defected characters into the national character...
Biblical Reflection (2): Genesis 12-22, The Cycle of Abraham
Genesis Chapter 12 to 22 is about the “Cycle of Abraham,” which describes how Abraham was the chosen one by God, with whom He would...
Biblical Reflection (1): Genesis 1-11, Salvation
Genesis Chapter 1 to 11 was like a prologue to God’s salvation of man. It showed a repetitive pattern of man sinning against God, hence,...
Sequela Christi of St Francis of Assisi
While strolling through the memorial park of St Andrew Kim and venerating his relics on his feast day, September 20, it really made me...
Divine Revelation and Faith
How do Divine Revelation (Word of God) and Faith contribute to an understanding of the moral life? While reading through the Old...
Christocentricity of Catechesis
Jesus Christ Is The Centre Of Salvation History “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him...
每年的將臨期中,都包括了一個既特別、又易被忽略的敬禮聖母紀念日 — 十二月十二日,墨西哥瓜達盧佩聖母「維護生命主保」紀念日。巧合地,瓜達盧佩聖母亦是唯一以懷孕的天主之母形象顯現的聖母,而今年的紀念日也是在將臨期第三主日「喜樂主日」翌日。這些種種的「巧合」徬佛要提點我們,瓜達...
每年的將臨期中,都包括了一個既特別、又易被忽略的敬禮聖母紀念日 — 墨西哥瓜達盧佩聖母紀念日(12月12日)。在1531年12月9日,聖母在墨西哥城的台培亞的(Tepeyac)小山上,五天內四次顯現給57歲的貧苦印第安人若望‧狄雅哥(St Juan...
胎兒主保聖女珍安娜‧莫拉紀 (St Gianna Molla) 的女兒珍安娜‧厄瑪奴耳 今年五月初,竟有幸代表香港教區婚委會關顧生命事工出席於羅馬舉行的「家庭的聲音:羅馬生命論壇」和「為生命步行」(March for Life)。我加入婚委會關顧生命事工的時間不長,當然也是...
從出生就受洗,曾經是 "CEO" 到主日教友及至現在除主日外平日也經常參與彌撒,並恆常朝拜、明供聖體,更積極為堂區和教區服務及事奉。這些轉變好讓我們深信天主的大能和慈悲! 今集心靈綠洲的嘉賓 Joni 為大家分享地怎樣從多次朝聖回來的得着和啟發,因而接受了自己的使命。「...
此講座讓大家更深認識瓜達盧佩聖母「維護生命主保」畫像的含意與奧秘。 一班敬愛瓜達盧佩聖母的信徒,在2014年一起遠訪中美洲墨西哥,在聖神引領下展開一段探索和尋真的朝聖之路。墨西哥瓜達盧佩聖母是唯一以孕婦形象顯現的聖母。她帶着腹中的聖子耶穌,向我們宣告們母胎中生命的神聖與福氣...
From Pilgrims to Missionaries
Juan Tadeo Pun Leon (middle in pink), President of Misión Guadalupana para el Mundo, gives a class on the clues, details, and secrets of...
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